
answers to your questions about senior pictures

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answers to your questions about senior pictures

Your teenager's senior pictures are an important part of his or her high school experience. These pictures will be included in graduation party invitations, sent out to family members to share the good news, and placed in the school year book for everyone to see for years to come. How do you get the perfect senior picture? Do you have the pictures taken inside or outside? Do you use a professional photographer? How much should they cost? These and many other questions are answered on my site to help other parents get through a stressful situation with less stress than I did.


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Planning A Family Vacation? 3 Hotel Amenities You Should Look For

As you plan your upcoming family vacation, you might be more focused on the sun and sand than you are about where you will be sleeping overnight. However, different hotels offer a wide range of amenities, which could make or break your vacation. Here are three hotel amenities that you should look for, and how they can make a big difference later:

1: Baby Gear

Anyone with small children knows how difficult it can be to run to the store, not to mention leaving town for a few days. If you aren't careful, you might end up filling your suitcase with baby gear instead of those new sandals or that flirty dress. Here are a few items that some hotels offer to make traveling easier for parents:

  • Bouncers: If your child can roll, but isn't strong enough to sit on their own, you might end up wondering where to put your kid as you do your hair and makeup. However, some hotels offer complimentary bouncers that you can use during your stay.
  • Cribs: To keep kids safe, many hotels offer portable cribs where small children and babies can sleep and play.
  • High-Chairs: To make dinnertime easier, many hotels offer high-chairs for you to use in the kitchenette area.

Before you book a hotel, ask if they offer complimentary baby equipment. You might be able to simplify your stay without paying for an extra carry-on. 

2: Teen Concierges

If you have older kids, it can be a real struggle to find activities that your entire family will enjoy. While your younger kids might adore their trip to that themed amusement park, your teenagers might stare at their phones the entire time. However, some hotels have teen concierges available to show your kid around town in style.

Instead of suiting up in hotel bellhop garb, teen concierges traditionally wear street clothes to make your kid feel more comfortable. The role of the concierge is to guide your teen through their vacation, and to show them the fun things that they can do around town. For example, your concierge might show your teen where they can go to play video games for a few hours, or to dance the night away in a safe, alcohol-free environment.

If your teenager doesn't want to pal around with a stranger, your concierge can let them know about local events via text, email, or social media. When your teenager is happy, you can kick back, relax, and enjoy your own vacation.

3: In-Room Spa Services

After taking a long plane ride and dealing with confusing foreign travel signs, you might not feel like hunting down that local spa. However, if your hotel offers in-room spa services, you might be able to enjoy these incredible luxuries from the comfort of your own room:

  • Massages: Some hotels employ full-time masseuses who can set up portable massage tables right in your room. In addition to enjoying a little privacy, you might be able to hop right into bed after your massage.
  • Facials: Traveling can be stressful, which can be hard on your skin. If you want to stay looking incredible, ask your hotel if they offer in-room facials. You might be able to polish those pores before you go out to dinner with your sweetheart.
  • Hair Styling: Your vacation should be relaxing, so why should you worry about curling your hair? Some hotels offer in-house hair stylists who can help to make you beautiful during your stay.

When you look good, you might feel better about yourself, which could help you to have a better time on vacation.

Finding a hotel with great amenities might help you to avoid common travel frustrations, so that you can enjoy your stay.