2 Tips To Prevent Your Corrugated Boxes From Bursting During Transport
Corrugated boxes can be a good way to transport your products from your warehouse to the customer. If properly maintained and stored correctly, corrugated boxes will reach your customer in one piece. However, if your corrugated boxes are poorly stored or crafted, then this can result in the box bursting before it reaches its destination. This may result in a number of angry and concerned customers. Fortunately, there are a few tips that you can use to prevent your corrugated boxes from bursting during transport.
Store Your Boxes in a Climate Controlled Warehouse
There is a good chance that you will end up storing your packing supplies and corrugated boxes in your warehouse. A warehouse has the ability to build up a high level of humidity. This humidity will not only ruin your products, but it will also weaken the structure and break down your shipping boxes. When it comes time to load your boxes and ship them full of products, they will begin to fall apart before making it to their destinations. In order to avoid this, only store your corrugated boxes in a climate controlled facility. This will help to regulate the temperature and humidity and ensure that the boxes remain in the best condition possible.
Look for Corrugated Boxes that have a High Bursting Test Rating
Corrugated boxes are put through a series of tests to see how durable they are. One of these is a bursting test. This test involves placing a certain amount of weight on the box until it bursts. The more weight that the box can handle, then the higher its bursting rating will be. This gives you a good idea of how well your box will be able to hold up once it is mailed out. In addition, you should consider how heavy your product is. The weight of the product itself can also cause the box to burst. If you are shipping heavy items, then you will want to choose corrugated boxes that have the higher bursting rating.
Corrugated boxes can be some of the most reliable shipping containers that you can possibly use for your business. If you choose the right boxes, your products will arrive to your customers in good condition. Therefore, use these tips to enable you to make this possible. Be sure to talk to your shipping materials supplier to find out how they suggest your boxes be stored and what their bursting ratio is.