
answers to your questions about senior pictures

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answers to your questions about senior pictures

Your teenager's senior pictures are an important part of his or her high school experience. These pictures will be included in graduation party invitations, sent out to family members to share the good news, and placed in the school year book for everyone to see for years to come. How do you get the perfect senior picture? Do you have the pictures taken inside or outside? Do you use a professional photographer? How much should they cost? These and many other questions are answered on my site to help other parents get through a stressful situation with less stress than I did.


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Is It Time For A New Pair Of Eyeglasses?

Over time, your vision will gradually change. Since these changes occur slowly, you may not even notice them, especially immediately. However, there are various factors that can worsen—and sometimes even improve—your eyesight, such as eye conditions, diseases, and age. Individuals who currently wear prescription eyeglasses need to be familiar with the signs and symptoms of worsening vision so that they can contact their eye doctor and schedule an appointment. If you wear prescription glasses, here are a few signs that it may be time for a new pair.

Eye Fatigue

Do you notice that your eyes feel strained and tired after long periods of work? If so, it may be due to an old eye prescription. Give your eye doctor a call and mention your symptom to him or her. Your eye doctor may want to perform a routine eye test, in addition to tests for underlying issues. In the meantime, though, every 20 minutes, allow your eyes to rest from what they're doing for 20 seconds.

Blurred Vision

One of the most common and evident signs of worsening eyesight is blurred vision, which can manifest in numerous ways. You may begin to notice halos of light around lit up objects at night. Alternatively, you may find it more difficult to decipher objects when they are up close or far away and find that their edges are a bit fuzzy. Either way, you need to talk to your eye doctor about a vision test.

Recurring Headaches

If you are experiencing recurring headaches, there may be many causes, but one that you should consider is definitely an outdated prescription. Eye strain, which is typically caused by astigmatism or farsightedness, can cause head pain. Pay attention to see if your headaches tend to occur after certain activities such as looking at your phone, working on the computer, or reading.

Difficulty Reading

In some cases, you may not even realize that you having a difficult time when you are reading until you realize that you are holding a book, newspaper, or menu closer or further away than usual to make out the words. Have you found yourself increasing the font sizes or zooming in on webpages on your tablet, phone, or computer so that you can read the text better? If so, it's definitely time to talk to your eye doctor about your symptoms.

If you have experienced any of the aforementioned symptoms—even just one—give your local eye doctor a call because there is a good chance that your eyeglass prescription needs an update.